Total number of Target Product Profiles:

Total number of unique Target Product Profiles traits: 51

Top 10 Target Product Profiles traits by trait requirement

Essential: Improve
Rank Trait ID Trait type Trait name Scale No. of unique TPPs
Essential: Maintain
Rank Trait ID Trait type Trait name Scale No. of unique TPPs
Nice to Have
Rank Trait ID Trait type Trait name Scale No. of unique TPPs
Crop Germplasm type TPP ID TPP Short Name Long Name Organisation TPP Lead Status Tier BP Short Name BP Long Name Breeding Team Team Lead MS Short Name
  • TPP Short Name
  • TPP Long Name
  • TPP ID
  • Crop name
  • Germplasm Type
  • Organisation
  • TPPLead
  • Status
  • Tier
  • Date Created
  • Date Last Edited
  • Breeding Pipeline name
  • Breeding Pipeline ID
  • Description
  • Status
  • Investment (USD)
  • Organisation
  • Breeding Team
  • Breeding Team Lead
  • Market Segment Short Name
  • Market Segment Long Name
TPP ID TPP Short Name Trait ID Trait Type Trait Name Scale Option Trait Requirement Desired Score Best Check Crop Trait Description Scale Measure Scale Description Score Type Worst Check Economic Weight Crop Ontology Method