Welcome to GloMIP

A global public platform for sharing market intelligence to inform product and technology targeting, design and delivery, and R&D investment decision-making by the CGIAR, its partners and investors.

2023 CGIAR Initiative on Market Intelligence Annual Report

The 2023 CGIAR Initiative on Market Intelligence Annual Report highlights the initiative's key achievements and advancements in addressing global impact challenges, emphasizing progress in breeding, climate resilience, and market intelligence. The report also outlines collaborations and initiatives that have driven impact across various regions and crops, reinforcing CGIAR’s commitment to transforming food systems worldwide.

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Market Intelligence Briefs - a new publication series for demand-driven crop breeding

CGIAR, NARES, and university researchers have traditionally published crop breeding and seed systems research in peer-reviewed journals, a process that can be slow and less suited to practical market intelligence. To address this, Work Package 1 has introduced Market Intelligence Briefs (MIB) for more timely and relevant dissemination.

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Market Intelligence breaks new grounds with GloMIP launch

The CGIAR Initiative on Market Intelligence unveiled the Global Market Intelligence Platform (GloMIP), the next game changer in genetic innovation and impact programs across the world, at a virtual event held last June 7, 2024.

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Target product profile development based on market segment status

Discover the collaboration between CGIAR's Market Intelligence and Accelerated Breeding Initiative in developing Target Product Profiles (TPPs). This process focuses on identifying key traits, prioritizing market segments, and aligning breeding efforts with current and future demands to create products tailored to specific market needs.

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New framework for qualitative behavioral intelligence research

Understanding how farmers and consumers choose varieties and products remains an important focus for CGIAR Initiative on Market Intelligence. A recent study introduces a conceptual framework to describe the factors that inform farmers’ varietal uptake choices.

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Market Intelligence at ICAE 2024

The CGIAR Initiative on Market Intelligence will be leading the discussion on technological and institutional innovations and the role of market intelligence in making agri-food food systems more sustainable at the 32nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists to be held at New Delhi, India on 2-7 August.

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Impact Opportunities Indicators


Seed Product Market Segments


Target Product Profiles


Market Intelligence Briefs

What we do | GloMIP

What we do

The Global Market Intelligence Platform has been developed by the CGIAR Initiative on Market Intelligence in collaboration with various CGIAR Centers, Initiatives, and partners. Target end-users and stakeholders are involved in the development of the platform.

Who are our end-users and stakeholders?

  • CGIAR and NARES scientists: pre-breeders, breeders, social scientists, biophysical scientists, nutritionists, gender specialists, climate change experts, etc.)
  • Donors and investors
  • Genetic Innovation management
  • Private seed companies
  • NGOs
Who are our end-users and stakeholders | GloMIP

How to Cite the platform

CGIAR. 2024. Global Market Intelligence Platform. <glomip.cgiar.org>. Accessed [insert date].

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Let’s explore how GloMIP can help you. Email us with any questions or inquiries.

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The CGIAR Initiative on Market Intelligence aims to maximize CGIAR and partners’ returns on investment in breeding, seed systems and other Initiatives based on reliable and timely market intelligence that enables stronger demand orientation and strengthens co-ownership and co-implementation by CGIAR and partners.

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