Our Publications

We aim to facilitate strategic investments in crop breeding systems, fostering collaboration among social scientists, crop breeding teams, and other stakeholders to collectively design and implement a demand-driven breeding approach

A new publication series to inform crop-breeding decisions

Publications | GloMIP
Market intelligence for informing crop-breeding decisions by CGIAR and NARES

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Publications | GloMIP
Future market segments for hybrid maize in East Africa

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Publications | GloMIP
Behavioral market intelligence and its implications for seed systems development

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Publications | GloMIP
Implications of the ban on rice cultivation in Uganda’s wetlands for breeding and seed systems programing

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Publications | GloMIP
Maize farmers acquire early maturity seed across production environments

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Publications | GloMIP
Protocol for evidence synthesis of market intelligence : application to rice in the global South

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Publications | GloMIP
Introducing the non-rancidity trait into pearl millet seed : scenarios for achieving future impact in Kenya

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Publications | GloMIP
At the ground level: Accounting for farmers’ perspectives and inclusion issues in seed promotion

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Publications | GloMIP
Seed product requirements of the potato-processing industry in Eastern Africa : Implications for CGIAR market segmentation and target product profiles

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Publications | GloMIP
Consumers’ preferences for sweet potato in Viet Nam and implications for CGIAR market segmentation and target product profiles

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Publications | GloMIP
Eliciting Farmers’ Rice Trait Preferences in Southern Asia and South-eastern Asia through the Investment Game Application

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Publications | GloMIP
Using economic selection index for trait prioritization in sweetpotato target product profiles in Eastern Africa

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Publications | GloMIP


Genetic Innovation | CGIAR Annual Report 2023

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Publications | GloMIP


CGIAR Research Initiative on Market Intelligence | Annual Technical Report 2022

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Publications | GloMIP


CGIAR Research Initiative on Market Intelligence | Annual Technical Report 2023

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Publications | GloMIP
GloMIP Impact Opportunities Portal Reference Manual

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Publications | GloMIP


Global Market Intelligence Platform

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Publications | GloMIP
Introduction to the Global Market Intelligence Platform and its links to WP1

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Publications | GloMIP
GloMIP Impact Opportunities Portal: Analyzing global development challenges across crops

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Publications | GloMIP
Impacts of population growth and income increases in low-GI rice market

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Publications | GloMIP
Triple burden nutrition challenges in rice-based systems: Present and future opportunities

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Publications | GloMIP
Bridging the Gap: CGIAR Initiative on Market Intelligence and Global Market Intelligence Platform (GloMIP) for Informed Decision-Making in Crop Breeding

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Publications | GloMIP
CGIAR Initiative on Market Intelligence and Global Market Intelligence Platform (GloMIP): Enhancing Varietal Turnover through Improved Decision-Making in Crop Breeding

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Publications | GloMIP
Country list and labels

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Publications | GloMIP
Crop list and labels

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