Using GloMIP in proposal writing is crucial for identifying the geographies and even the populations who would benefit most from technologies and innovations. GloMIP allows us to align our efforts with donor priorities, ensuring that we target the groups that both need our support the most and meet the strategic goals of our donors. (Jamaica Deriquito, Portfolio Development and Management Office, International Rice Research Institute)
In the world of research, securing successful funding proposals is crucial and competition for limited funds is intense. Crafting compelling funding proposals requires not just outlining methods but emphasizing why the work matters and demonstrating its potential impact. By making proposals data driven, researchers can demonstrate the value and feasibility of their projects and acquire financial support to obtain necessary resources, hire staff, and cover operational costs to advance their work. Additionally, receiving funding often enhances the credibility and visibility of the research, opening doors to further opportunities and collaborations.
Developing proposals requires a significant investment of time and effort, often involving extensive literature reviews, preliminary data collection, and the formulation of a robust methodology. The need for comprehensive, evidence-based information often clashes with the limited time resources and technical expertise of CGIAR staff.
To address this challenge, the Initiative on Market Intelligence has developed the Global Market Intelligence Platform (GloMIP ). This innovative platform supports data-driven decision-making in crop breeding and other areas of work. GloMIP offers tools for quick, customized analyses through dynamic visualizations and data tables, making it easier for researchers to build strong, evidence-based proposals.
A key feature of GloMIP is the Impact Opportunities Portal. This tool provides access to more than 200 development and crop production indicators across the five CGIAR Impact Areas, 46 crops (including 20 CGIAR crops), and 170 countries. Automation within the portal ensures accuracy and efficiency, freeing researchers’ time to focus on their proposals’ conceptual and strategic aspects. Another key tool is the Market Segments Portal, which allows users to explore more than 600 seed product market segments. This is especially useful for aligning project proposals with CGIAR’s regional and crop-specific priorities, enabling researchers to target funding opportunities more effectively. Additionally, GloMIP offers quick access to different Market Intelligence Briefs and Bulletins, produced in collaboration with scientists, breeders, and other experts, providing insights for more demand-driven crop breeding.
For example, GloMIP has helped the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) strategically focus its efforts in mainstreaming low-glycemic rice in Eastern, Southern, and Southeastern Asia, where both rice consumption and diabetes (normalized by population) are high. Similarly, GloMIP’s prediction that by 2030, 78 million poor people will depend on the production of roots, tubers, and bananas, 75 percent of which will be located in Western and Central Africa, can guide centers working on these crops to justify increasing funding for and targeting of Africa.
In conclusion, by leveraging powerful data tools such as GloMIP, researchers and scientists can enhance the quality and competitiveness of their funding proposals, making them more compelling to donors and investors. To explore how GloMIP can improve your proposals, visit the website at